Side Project: Encryption Program

Hi guys, CrazySqueak here. A while ago, I’d been working on a file encryption program as a side-project, and I’ve decided to share it.
DISCLAIMER: This encryption program is in no way secure. It was made for fun, not to be used to keep data secure.

About The Program

The program is written in python 3.6 (but is compatible with 3.4) and encrypts files by splitting them into blocks and storing them in a “vault”. Each vault has a critical “MANIFEST” file that MUST NOT be deleted or edited manually.
Note that this program runs incredibly slow if you are encrypting large files, due to the fact that for loops in python aren’t exactly the fastest thing in the world.


  • No encryption key or hash of decrypted files is stored anywhere.
  • Files are split into blocks to lower memory usage.
  • Able to encrypt folders, their subfolders, and all the files in them in one click
  • Blocks are not overwritten if they don’t need to be.
  • The entire vault is “refreshed” every time a new block is required.
  • Runs incredibly slow, to allow you to grab a coffee if you’re encrypting large files.
  • Anti-tamper mechanism. All your data is gone if the vault is even slightly modified.
  • The previous three are definitely features, not bugs.

How to use this program

To open the program, open the “” program with python 3.4 or newer. Then, follow the instructions below depending on what you want to do.

Creating a new vault

First, open the program as described above. A window should open like the one below.
2019-07-07 (10)
In “Vault Directory”, enter a path to the folder you’d like to store your vault in. Use the browse button to select a folder. (Make sure to create a new folder, as the vault is stored in the root of the folder.) In “Plaintext Directory”, enter the path to the folder containing the files to encrypt. Just create an empty folder if you’re going to add the files later.
Then, enter an encryption key into the third box. Make sure to write down your encryption key.
Once all the information has been entered, click on the “New Vault” button. The screen will update to say that the vault is open.

Opening an existing vault

To open an existing vault, open the program as described above. Then, enter the path to the vault in the “Vault Directory” field, or use the “Browse” button.
Next, enter a path to a folder you’d like to temporarily extract your files in to into the “Plaintext Directory” field, or use the browse button.
After that, enter your encryption key into the third box.
Once all the information has been entered, click on the “Open” button. The program will then run an integrity check and extract your files if it passes. Once all this is done, the screen will display a screen saying that the vault is open.
2019-07-07 (12)

Accessing the files inside an open vault

To access the decrypted files, click on the “Open Folder” button. This will open the folder your files have been extracted to. From there, simply access and modify as you wish.

Saving your changes to a vault

In order to close a vault and save your changes, you must follow these steps.

  1. Copy any files you want to keep a decrypted copy of from the extraction to a different folder.
  2. Then, enter your encryption key into the “Encryption Key” box and click “Close Vault”. This requirement is to make sure that you remember your encryption key.
  3. Find something to do while the files are being encrypted.
  4. Once the files are encrypted and stored in the vault, the decrypted files are wiped.
  5. Once it returns to the “Open a vault or create new vault” window, you may safely close the window.

Changing your encryption key

2019-07-07 (13)

To change your encryption key, click on the “Change Key” button. Note that you do not need your old key to do this. Once the window opens, enter your new encryption key in both boxes, and click “Change”. THIS CHANGE WILL NOT TAKE EFFECT UNTIL YOU CLOSE YOUR VAULT USING THE METHOD DESCRIBED IN “Saving your changes to a vault”.

Can I recover my vault if it is corrupted?

Unfortunately, I haven’t gotten round to creating a recovery program yet sorry.

Where can I get it?

You can get it from my GitHub repo at

I’m still alive, and changes to my blog

Hi guys! CrazySqueak here!

Sorry about my inactivity. I’ve been going through a few issues during the past year and haven’t done much programming recently. I will hopefully be posting more frequently in the future, especially due to the new changes I’m implementing.

The Changes

I’m planning to implement a few changes across my whole online identity. Namely, these changes focus on making it more about who I am than only what I let the world see. These will include:

  • Posting about almost all the projects I work on, instead of just the ones that make it far enough for me to let the world see. This will mean that a lot of my projects will go unfinished.
  • Posting more about my programming ventures, such as how I’ve started using git.
  • Posting more about other things that interest me in addition to programming. I’m not an AI churning out python code 24/7, and have other things that I might want to share.

These changes should hopefully help to allow me to be more active, as well as making content more varied than “hey look I made this project. enjoy”.

Other Information

There are some other points I’d like to share about the future of my content on all platforms, namely regarding some older projects and some of the content.

  • If you’re here for Project Survive, there’s not much hope left for it. Looking at its code, it’s impossible to tell if I wrote it, or Papyrus cooked it. (If you don’t get the reference, my code is indistinguishable from a plate of spaghetti). On top of that, I’m burned out at this point from anything to do with it.
  • Unfortunately, @CSqueakTweets has been closed down. Due to changes in the Twitter API at one point, it is now no longer possible to easily work with bots on twitter, as you need to know exactly what you’re doing, leaving NO room for experimentation. My main twitter will be unaffected.
  • There still might be times with no content. It may be either because I’m working on a project that I’m keeping secret at the moment, or because I’m simply not programming.


Hopefully these changes will help my blog in the long run, and sorry for not posting much in the last year. There will be other information going up on my Twitter and my YouTube about these changes soon. If anyone’s going to Milton Keynes Raspberry Jam on the 13th of April, I will hopefully be there. Thank you for reading, and I’ll hopefully post again soon. Goodbye for now.

–CrazySqueak, 2019-03-27 16:31:00 GMT

Edit (2019-03-27 16:26Z): Fixed empty bullet point.

Project Survive: A Survival Game I’m Working On

Hi guys, CrazySqueak here. I’d like to talk about a game I’m working on called Project Survive. Project Survive is a survival game made with python 3 and pygame that is currently in closed alpha.

The Story


You were flying in a plane (supposedly to a holiday destination) when something hits the plane and causes an explosion. The explosion shakes the plane and it starts to fall out of the sky. A few moments later, the plane tips further and you fall out, presumably to your death.

Somehow, you survive. After a few moments, you wake up. You’re seriously injured, but you’re alive.

The Controls

  • W to jump
  • A/D to move
  • Left-Click to break tiles or attack
  • Right-Click to place tiles or use
  • E to manage your inventory and access crafting

The Tips


  • Manage your inventory, you only have 9 slots.
  • Keep your crafting-related tiles close together. (Including stone and grass)

The Content


There isn’t much content at the moment as the game is still in alpha. The goal of the alpha is to get the underlying systems in place, and most of the content will be made as part of the beta.

How do I get it?


You’re only able to get the alpha through download keys. I’m giving out a few at the moment. One download key will be at the bottom of this page.

The beta will be publicly available, but will cost money. It will cost about £1. The release will cost about £3.

How do I see updates on development of the game?


I upload videos of it on my youtube channel and I sometimes stream. I might also post updates on here or on twitter.


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What about that download key?

Here’s the download key. It’s first come first served and you’ll need a account to claim it, however once you claim it, you’ll be able to download it.

If you can’t claim it, you either aren’t signed in to an account or someone has already claimed it.


Have fun!

Installing Linux on my Dad’s old laptop

Hi guys, CrazySqueak here. Sorry about being inactive for a year but a lot of things have happened and I haven’t been able to make anything interesting and get it to a publication-ready state (i.e. finish it).

Recently, I had the idea of installing linux on an old computer, something me and Dad had been thinking about for a while. Originally, our idea was to install it on the old vista computer, but the installer for the version I planned to install didn’t support dual-booting windows and linux, and dad needed access to windows vista still. In the end, my Dad found an old DELL laptop of his that he never used any more.

The laptop had Windows XP on it but the design of the logo on the windows key looked more like the Windows 98 logo, and the keyboard layout was a lot different. On top of that, the laptop didn’t have a built in wireless card like you have in modern laptops, and we had to dig a wireless card out for it to access wifi.

The LaptopThe laptop (A Dell INSPIRON 2650 according to the text on it) that I installed linux on.

After live-booting many distros and trying them out, I decided upon the Debian Stretch with Raspberry Pi Desktop disk that I got with the Magpi. You can download an iso that you can burn to a disk here (The version you download may be different if a new version comes out). Once you get to the menu, choose the regular installer instead of the graphical installer as otherwise, the partitioning may fail. Navigate the menus with the arrow keys and the enter key. Once installed, I had a lot of setup to do; namely adding the users and updating the system.


First, I had to add the users. You can add a user by typing sudo adduser in the terminal (note that user names cannot have capital letters or symbols). You will be asked to type a password for the new user and add some information about them (You can leave the extra information blank and just press enter).
My dad wanted an account and so did I, so the full code I typed in the terminal was:
sudo -s
adduser crazysqueak --home /home/CrazySqueak
adduser dad --home /home/Dad
I used –home to make the home directories different to the names of the users.
Then I had to add the groups. This took lots of trial and error. In the end I got the groups that pi was in using the command groups pi and used python to add each user to the groups. You can view the code at:
When run, you should get a vertical line of zeros equal to the amount of groups, however this will not work unless you run it as the superuser.
I ran this code where NAME was set to “crazysqueak” for the first run and “dad” for the second. This added the crazysqueak account and the dad account to the specified groups. I also added myself to the sudo group but not for my dad, meaning I was the only one with sudo permissions (excluding pi).
Next came updating the system, which I did using the command sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
This took a while. To finish up, I ran the code
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get clean


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NOTE: The above video contains no audio.

Making a Maker Lab

Hi guys, Mumma here!

I’ve hijacked the Squeak’s blog to share my approach to creating a maker lab for us both, on a budget.  The end result was to be a creative, organised space that we could both use to indulge in our creative hobbies – for me that’s more crafts and construction, while for the boy that is, of course, more programming and some simple electronics.

Those who know me know I suffer from ill health, and chronic pain, so as with everything I do in life – creating the lab was a case of ‘working smarter, not harder‘ (literally my life motto.)  With that in mind, the first thing I did was take visual stock of what I had at my disposal in the spare room I was planning to transform into our lab.  Not only would this minimise the strain and physical workload for me, as well as the need to go out and physically purchase additional items, but it also served to minimise financial expense.  Win-win!

Hopefully, some of the ideas below will inspire others to create a maker lab, or maker space, using some of what they already have as well.  It saves money, time, and of course, the environment too.  It might also prompt other parents to consider giving their maker-mad kids a useful space to work in on realising that it doesn’t have to cost much, if anything at all.  Even if you don’t have something to hand that you can make use of – chances are you can get what you need to upcycle free or cheaply off your local Freecycle or Facebook selling site.

The first item I had to make use of was an old single bed, and looking at it, I could see it had clear potential to serve as a workbench if I removed the slats and turned it on its side – so that’s exactly what I did.  I had thought that I’d then need to secure it to the wall, but a thorough poking and prodding satisfied me that simply wedging a thin piece of wood at either end of the frame would serve to keep it firmly in place.

For added security, I fastened a couple of the slats into place underneath the middle of the workbench.  A few good, firm, pushes later, I was content that the bench would hold up under a fair amount of use and weight.

I situated the frame a little away from the wall, then topped half of it with some panels I prised from an old vivarium that we had sat in the garage.  Fixing them involved the amateur lazy workman’s technique of a quick sanding of both surfaces, a drizzle of wood glue, and a handful of bolts to ensure the surfaces stayed put.  This half would be used for electronics and soldering, and so I also situated a large ceramic tile on top to catch any solder spillages and avoid ruining the wooden tops prematurely.

The second half of the bench was to be for Mumma’s candle making, so I used some MDF off-cuts wedged into place rather than secured, topped with old vinyl off-cuts that a friend gave me, intending for them to be easily replaceable if damaged – or even just flipped over.  Again, I situated a large ceramic tile on top, to catch any wax drops and situate the single hob on (when I finally order one.)

To finish this feature, I used some of the old slats to create a wall mountable tool storage board.  I had seen various adorable peg boards on Pinterest, but felt that these would be an unnecessary expense, both financially and energy wise, given that I already had the slats ready and waiting to be used.  I fastened them together by binding them securely with several rounds of ducktape, then hammered the board onto the wall in several places to ensure it sat securely.  If I was intending to put more weight on it than the hand tools I have, then I would have used rawl plugs and screws, and drilled holes through the corners of the board of course.  A few carefully positioned nails held each tool into place where I wanted them, and could easily access them while making things in the future.  Already we’ve found having screwdrivers so easily to hand a massive time saver.

I wall mounted a screw storage chest, which is labelled clearly with all of CrazySqueak’s various programming and electronic components, and sat the soldering iron and extra hand on top.  Besides this, I mounted reels of tape, copper tape, and garden wire, as well as a Lego board.  Originally I’d just fastened some Ikea storage tubs there, sat on a couple of nails, but then decided that the Lego board would be a more fun storage feature there.

Along that wall I also fastened an old Ikea toy storage pockets gizmo that was already in there, and moved the Ikea storage bar with clip-on pots to sit at a convenient height above it, with pots for stationary and tools to be added to as I went along.  I’d love to link to these products for you guys, in case you’re interested, but sadly can’t locate them on the Ikea site right now!  They are very common market hall items so I’d expect them, or something similar to them, to be in stock should you want to pay your local store a visit.

Behind the candle making space, I drilled through a circular Lego board and used a screw and rawl plug to fix the board firmly to the wall.  I attached various handy embellishments to the board by hot gluing fake Lego bricks onto the backs of the packets – easy to use and then replace or change around as desired.  I hammered nails into place to mount a variety of ribbons, and used a couple of sticky hooks to hang hand items from.  Underneath, I positioned a cheap shoe rack, to store my bigger materials.

Finally I used the shelf above, which was already positioned where it is, to stash my candle jars and finished candles on.


Despite my chronic pain issues, none of this was as difficult or arduous as it might look and sound; in fact I found it quite enjoyable!  The rubbish I amassed early on, however, was a different story.  To say I hurt myself clearing this lot is an understatement!  It was an entire evening’s work just to round it all up and get it down the stairs, then another session’s work to take the bags of rubbish down the local tip (on the rare occasions it’s open these days.)  As anyone with chronic pain will tell you – it’s all about pacing yourself.  So I had to view this as a separate task, and not an afterthought to other tasks.  The advantage for anyone doing it this way is that it is a time efficient way of dealing with the rubbish though.  By identifying it as a single task, and approaching it as such, you don’t waste time faffing around with smaller loads of rubbish.  You amass it all at once, collate it all at once, and dispose of it all at once.  I imagine that those who faff around back and forth with smaller loads take much longer than I did to get rid of the rubbish during similar projects.  While I was at it, I also dismantled and tipped an old chest of drawers that I had no use for in the new lab.  I prised it apart, carried the pieces down bit by bit (was a ridiculously long process involving a lot of tea breaks), and tipped it along with the general rubbish.  From there, I had plenty of space in which to tackle finishing off the other half of our lab.

My next job was to get a decent sized desk installed, and as a stroke of luck, I got offered a giant desk top for free!  A friend of ours was clearing out their office, and the scrap men had happily taken the desk legs – while leaving them with the desk itself.  My friends kindly loaded it up into my car for me, along with a little cabinet they had no use for anymore, and my neighbour’s strong young man lugged it up the stairs for me at the other end (poor sod looked like death afterwards!)

I took the legs off of my existing Ikea desk, drilled holes into the new giant desk top, and fastened them on.  CrazySqueak helped me to flip it over, and then I slightly rounded off the corner nearest the door to minimise the space it blocked on entering our lab.  As a small single room, space is limited, so I’d rather have a slightly strange looking desk that is big enough for all of the things we want to use it for, than a small one with easier access.  I just turn slightly sideways to get in and out – it’s fine!

On top of the desk, I installed my existing craft storage drawer tower that had been cluttering up my living room till then, along with some mini drawers that hold most of my craft tools, and one of these cool make-up organisers that perfectly suits my stationary needs.  I love those babies so much I have about four around the house now!  I also re-purposed the box this organiser had come in, by turning it inside-out and lining it with PVC tape, to store some of my papers in since it’s just the right size for doing that with. NB the organiser I’ve linked to includes two sections – the organiser, and a set of drawers.  These items are sold separately in store at most Home Bargains store at the moment, with the organiser part on sale for £4.99.

Above the desk there is a shelf which was already installed, with some handy under-shelf storage baskets attached to the underside: perfect for papercrafts!  On top of the shelf sit my embellishment organisers (open topped for easy access while working) and my new resin supplies (not going so well!)

As a few fun extras, I decorated some old pots I had to store surplus tools in, as well as stash my decoupage papers neatly.  I further decoupaged up a set of boxes to store my favourite papercraft materials in.

The other end of the desk was for hosting my main PC and monitor, with a monitor for an RPi stashed just behind on materials I already had handy.  I could have wall mounted the second monitor but that would have been more work and expense!  Besides which, we regularly use this monitor at Jams so it’s convenient to be able to move it easily.  Next to that sits a printer and scanner, and some more velcro hooks are on the wall, with a Star Wars bag full of RPi bits handily hung off one of them.

Underneath the new desk, sits a couple of large storage tubs containing my scrapbooking supplies, and the little cabinet I was given – now filled with gift supplies.  I hung my bargain bag stash on teeny screw hooks either side, and filled the drawer with my gift supply stash (I always snap up these items when Tesco have a clear out.) Finally, there’s a little bin under there, for paper scraps and things while I’m working, though for bigger bits of rubbish there is a sticky hook on one of the walls to hold a black bag.


The next major task was mounting a series of heavy-duty shelves to hold the boy’s extensive programming library, as well as provide general extra off-floor storage given the minimal space available to us in the box room.  Unfortunately, I was half asleep when purchasing my shelving brackets, and accidentally came home with single slotted ones instead of the doubles I’d intended to purchase – and bought brackets for in the same purchase.  Clearly the woman on the checkout in Wickes didn’t notice this glaring error either.  Due to my impatient nature, and tendency to take a lot of naps as it is, I decided to plough on with the single brackets and hope they’d prove sufficient – which they just about did.  Overall this is an expensive way to mount shelves compared to purchasing individual shelves with single brackets that fit underneath at either end, however it is more secure, and this is especially important where mounting heavy books onto the wall, and even more so where said wall is hollow and crumbly inside.

NB. The crazy one wasn’t overly helpful, but he got to have a go with a hammer at least.

An important finishing touch to our lab was, of course, a drinks and snack supply station.  I can’t stress enough how essential this feature is in any lab.  How can you make things while hungry? Or without a cuppa?!  Madness.

In the photo below, you can see an instant Hot Cup hot water machine, however I have since switched this round with the Tassimo machine I had downstairs: the reason being that the Tassimo, when used with the service disc in, lets out a little cold water before boiling water follows – making a cuppa that is a drinkable temperature straight away.  The Hot Cup machine, however, produces an instant cup of boiling water; by moving it into the kitchen, it’s near to a tap, so I can add cold water much more easily.

Drinks (bought fairly cheaply from B&Ms) got stashed away in an old, empty filing box, and snacks were hung up underneath the workbench, slightly out of our normal line of sight to minimise temptation a little!

Finishing up the snack essentials, the boy’s Xmas presents of a sweet station, and automatic jelly bean dispenser, got sat upon the book shelf.  Part of my reason for doing this was ornamental given how the Crazy one isn’t a big sweet-eater, and to fill some of the empty space without adding even more weight to the existing heavy load on that shelf.

The last purchase to be made was a couple of bar stools for use at the workbench, which I picked up at a reasonable price off of Amazon (click on the hyperlink to view/purchase.)  I did consider holding out to see what came available cheaply on our local Facebook selling site, but decided that given our joint problems, it was better to choose the right style and height for our needs – but this is certainly an option to consider if you don’t have our needs and are on a budget.

Well, that’s about the full story of how I turned our spare room/dumping ground into a maker lab for us both.  In the coming weeks I’ll also be purchasing a hot plate, along with some additional candle making supplies, but for now I’ve got some other financial commitments that take priority.  I did also consider getting a wall mounted TV in there, but on reflection, that’s just lazy of me!  I have a 10″ tablet I never use anymore, and I can watch pretty much anything I want to on my PC anyway.

I’ll leave you guys with a few snaps of our first lab-makerings:

Mumma x

Project Analysis

David Whale sent my Mum some pointers on analysing my recent Pi Wars project so that I could make progress for next year’s competition.  This is an important skill for people like me to learn, who want to work in the computer programming industry when we’re older.  I made notes about my project on the day, and since then I’ve looked at how best to analyse relevant points, so that I can produce a more efficient project in the future.  I can use this template for my other projects, both in advance as well as retrospect.

Project Analysis: PiWars Robot



  • The chosen chassis material (laser cut acrylic) was sturdy and supported the hardware well.
  • It was a good idea incorporating pre-cut wiring holes in our design where we needed them, as this made assembly easier.


  • The messy wiring made it hard to locate and fix wiring problems.
  • I didn’t double check the measurements when I laser cut the chassis, meaning that it ended up being the wrong size for our design plan.
  • It was hard to see whether the ball was aligned with the built-in curve or not during the skittles and golf challenges.


  • Acrylic makes a good, strong chassis.
  • Pre-cut wire holes are convenient.
  • I need to plan better how to organise the various wires.
  • I need to double check any measurements before laser-cutting the chassis.




  • The tyres had a decent grip, just not enough power from the motors.


  • The motors weren’t very strong and not able to meet the demands of the competition.


  • Strong motors are essential for competing in PiWars.



  • Our rechargeable battery packs for the Raspberry Pis were convenient size-wise.
  • The motors stayed powered throughout the whole competition using 4 AA batteries. Our LEDs also remained powered for the duration from button cell batteries.


  • The controller pi’s battery didn’t last for more than a few hours between charges, which created problems during the competition.


  • We could do with a better power source for the main RPi.
  • Batteries work well for motors and LEDs.



  • The lights looked awesome on the robot.
  • They stayed lit throughout the entire competition.


  • The Astro Pi failed to read its program partway through the day, meaning that it got stuck on a static rainbow colour.


  • The lights were awesome! We should use similar things again.
  • I should test things like my Astro Pi program more thoroughly in advance, to have time to troubleshoot problems.

Control and Steering:


  • The miniature keyboard allowed me to start programs without scrolling through a list, as I would have to had done if I was using the Wii remote.
  • The keypad doesn’t require manual pairing each time the program is run, unlike the Wii remote.


  • Steering was awkward and difficult using the keypad, which cost me points in the various challenges. Steering with the Wii remote was considerably easier and smoother.


  • Ideally, it would be a good idea to combine the two, if possible.
  • For the sake of scoring well in the challenges, the better controller would be the Wii remote.



  • The right sensors were used for each job.


  • I didn’t start testing on the sensors early enough, and was unable to get them to work as needed in time.
  • I should have measured the correct distance above the floor for the line follower.
  • I should have measured the range of the distance sensors before creating the final design.


  • Testing the sensors well in advance is vital. This includes getting the correct measurements for each sensor.

Decoration and Style:


  • The robot looked awesome! Jim Darby said that an incredible mind must have designed it!
  • The robot won the funniest robot prize.


  • The decoration got in the way when we needed to access the inside wiring.


  • Similar decoration to what we had would be great!
  • We could do with making some of the decoration easily removable for when something goes wrong on the inside of the robot.

Key Points:

  • Early and thorough testing is vital, project plans could help with this.
  • Powerful motors are vital (i.e. proper motors, not beginner kit motors)
  • A responsive, smooth controller (i.e. Wii remote) is important for remote control challenges.
  • TEST WELL IN ADVANCE! That way any problems allow for troubleshooting time.
  • A good power source (i.e. Longer lasting than a mobile charger pack) is important.
  • Tidy wiring is also important.
  • It’s helpful to look at what’s gone right with previous projects, as well as what’s gone wrong.


Projects I’ve Been Working On

Hi guys! CrazySqueak here! Today I’d like to show you some of the projects I have been working on.



ProcBeats is a rhythm game made using Processing.

I hit a bit of a snag when I found out that the sound library only works in the 64-bit version though (I was coding on a Raspberry Pi.)  Sadly it means that for now I won’t be finishing this particular project then!

You control the gameplay alone using the 1,2,3, and 0 keys.

You can download the sketch with a test level here.


SkedMan is a Raspberry Pi only schedule/homework manager for kids and teens.

This is my first program to come with an installer, instead of requiring you to manually run commands.

Install by running the command wget; bash in the terminal, and let me know what you think.


SqueakTweets (Internally known as JokeBot) is a Twitter program that tweets jokes every three hours with the hashtag #CrazySqueakJokes.

I did a little video about it as part of the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s Young Pioneers #makeyourideas competition, which you can watch here.

The tweets are posted on the twitter account @CSqueakTweets.

You can download the code to have a look here.

I hope you like my programs! Feedback is always welcome.

My visit to the Raspberry Pi’s 5th Birthday Party

Hi guys! CrazySqueak here with another blog post!

Today, I visited the Raspberry Pi’s 5th Birthday Party, and it was awesome! I got to see a bunch of cool projects and even got some new ideas!

Some of the cool projects I saw include:

  • Wizard Chess (From Harry Potter)
  • An giant operation game.
  • Super Mario Bros 3 running from inside a NES controller!
  • A giant “Raspberry Pi Birthday Cake” with Twitter-controlled lights.

After some time looking at projects, I listened to a talk about creating art with Processing by Matt Richardson. The talk was interesting and I got a cool idea from it. I also went to another talk which was about doing Raspberry Jams and that sort of stuff.

One of the best parts was the trivia quiz show. I didn’t do very well but it was still great fun. Afterwards we got to see what was inside the answer buttons’ box, which obviously included a Raspberry Pi!

Also, I chatted with various people such as Grace (HackerFemo’s Mum who does inclusive jams in London), and Philip Colligan (The CEO of the Raspberry Pi Foundation)!

Another great part was that I received a few free gifts from party bags:

  • A Drum HAT (Cool!)
  • A LED strip HAT (I can’t remember the name and nor can Google)
  • And 2 Blue Ducks (I love ducks!)

I’d also like to get a PaPiRus HAT at some point but we’ll have to order one of those online.

Overall, I think the Pi Birthday was amazing and was definitely awesome enough for such an important milestone. I can’t wait for the next one!


Text Adventure Prolouge

Hiya guys, it’s CrazySqueak and I’d like to present the first part of my text adventure that I’m working on.

This text adventure is set in minecraft and has many secrets for you to find.

Install instructions

  1. Download the zip file from my dropbox and unzip into a folder that you have write permission for (i.e. a new TextAdventure folder in your home folder)
  2. If it asks you if you want to overwrite/rename/merge files say to overwrite. This way your save data stays intact between installations.
  3. If you haven’t already installed python 3, do it now by downloading it off (windows/mac) or running sudo apt-get install -y python3 (Raspberry Pi)

Run instructions

  1. Go into the folder that you installed the text adventure to and run the program by double-clicking on it (windows) or opening a terminal window in the current folder, typing in the following python3 and pressing ENTER (Raspberry Pi).

Play instructions

  • When it says press enter to continue, do that.
  • When it says select a save file, enter the number corresponding to the save file you’d like to play.
  • If it is a new save file, you will be asked to enter your name, enter your name or enter a different name if you’re trying to find naming easter eggs.
  • When a > appears, type in an instruction and press ENTER.
  • I recommend that you play this game in a maximised window.

This text adventure is like most others in which you have to type the correct instruction to do stuff.

The rest of the game pretty much explains the most important stuff (i.e. Combat, go, inventory, ect.)

I hope you enjoy my game.

Download here.

EDIT: Fixed a line of code that would’ve caused problems later in development.